Nostradamus a famous name required no introduction He had predicted about numerous event of past present and future.In these prophecies a name arise again and again “chyren selin”.There are several claims in past of being Chyren[1] selin but none of them proven to be the real one.Here is detailed explanation about chyren selin with the help of Nostradamus prophecies.The chyren means whole universe.a term used for whole universe at the time of Nostradamus.Selin came from selina name of greek godess of moon.Nostradamus chosen this name because the real name of chyren selin is anagram(reverse order of alphabets) of Selina[2] i.e. aniles.It was a trick used at the time of Nostradamus to reverse the order of alphabets of name to create confusions.One of the most important reason Nostradamus written these prophecies in a mysterious way so could not be misused.However these prophecies have been misused since their publication.Nostradamus letters to his son and unknown king he said that perfect knowledge of these prophecies cannot be aquired through intellect but the signs will be manifest around him to whom the prophecy is related.So the propechy related to chyren selin and the given sign must manifest around with help of sign given in prophecies here we find real Chyren selin.These quatrains[3] given below provide the sign about the location first in world about continent then subcontinent(country)then about a state then a city and some major events of the world of that time.
First one he is in asia where one of the league issued from great hermes.Hermes is word of greek language means prophets or person send by god himself.he is talking about great ten gurus of sikh religion and league issued is great sikh religion.
So in asia again sign given as aquatic triplicity means a country surrounded with water from three or water signs on three sides and that certainly is India have hindmahasagar(indian occean) on three sides towards east, west and south direction.
This prophecy of nostradamus contains the missing last alphabet of “selin” that completes the name selina.One more sign given by him about india because name of india is hindustan and hindu religion in india based on the name of sea hindmahasagar[5].It gives first alphabet of a name that is “A” and anagram of selina becomes aniles
Another sign five rivers to one is the Punjab[6] state of India where five rivers flows and it is named on that.Even C10Q75 proves it again sikh gurus started sikh religion as termed by Nostradamus league issued by hermes in Punjab.
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